​​St. Germain​​
Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club

Wisconsin's Largest Snowmobile Club in Wisconsin's Snowmobile Capital ®


St. Germain is well known for its fine network of snowmobile trails.
The St. Germain Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club ( pronounced  bō bō-in) has developed a well marked trail system that utilizes engineered grooming equipment and procedures that are copied nationally and internationally. We are the largest club in the state with over 1200 family & single memberships. We are united with the state association AWSC to protect the future of snowmobiling through legislative initiatives. We encourage safe and responsible trail riding.

The clubs grooming equipment includes two Tucker Terra Sno-Cats and one New Holland Tractor pulling Arrowhead  Drags (manufactured in St. Germain) and over 100 groomed miles of trail that connect to neighboring communities. The entire Northwoods offers over 1,000 miles of signed and groomed trails.

Financially, club income is derived in various ways. About 30% is from  funding  generated by snowmobilers with sled registrations, a gas tax use formula, and trail passes. The balance is achieved through memberships, benefit fund-raisers, raffles and generous donations from individuals and businesses. Trails would not exist without many many hours of work done by volunteers.

Come see why so many snowmobilers return year after year to Wisconsin's Northwoods for great family fun, and why St. Germain has again been named a
Snowmobile Friendly Town.  You'll find a well-groomed trail network, breathtaking scenery and some of the friendliest people you'll ever meet, right here in our Northern Wisconsin communities.